Announcements and opportunities
Dear Colleague Letter
National Discovery Cloud for Climate Opportunities – NSF 24-024
Presentations by NDC-C awardees
Presentation slides from Fiscal Year 2023 NDC-C awardees are available from figshare.
Presentation recording (Passcode: fEs@w2s! )
- Marlon Pierce: Overview of the National Discovery Cloud for Climate Initiative.
- Stephen Deems: ACCESS Overview and Allocation Processes.
- Brian Bockelman: Pelican and the Open Science Data Federation.
- Michael Norman: CloudBank.
Presentation recording (passcode: xB+4%P#H )
- Douglas Schuster: Integrating NCARs Data Infrastructure with the OSDF.
- Ana Hunsinger: 21st Century Research-Cyberinfrastructure for MSIs Through the Minority Serving-Cyberinfrastructure Consortium (MS-CC).
- Wendy Huntoon: Tribal College and University CI Facilitation.
- Kate Keahey: Chameleon III: A Large-Scale, Reconfigurable Experimental Environment for Cloud Research.
- Robert Ricci: CloudLab III: Expanding the Frontiers of Cloud Computing Through World-Class Community Infrastructure.
- Sudeep Pasricha: DESC: Type I: Sustainable Serverless Computing.
Presentation recording (passcode: &t3A8b4C )
- Ilkay Altintas: National Data Platform Pilot: Services for Equitable Open Access to Data.
- Michael Zink: SPRITE: Sensor Processing and Realtime Intelligence at The Edge-Supporting the National Discovery Cloud for Climate with Advanced Networking, Cloud, and Edge Computing.
- Michela Taufer: A Comprehensive Approach for Generating, Sharing, Searching, and Using High-Resolution Terrain Parameters.
- Donata Giglio: Long-term Deployment Sustainability Strategy for Argovis.
- William Gropp: Crossing the Divide Between Today's Practice and Tomorrow's Science and Bridging the Gap Between AI/ML Computing Demands and Today's Capabilities (Delta and DeltaAI Supercomputers).
Presentation recording (passcode: d9V$zmb0 )
- Ilsa Simpson: Atmospheric Physics Needs for Community Climate Modeling.
- Pete Beckman: A National-Scale Testbed Supporting Artificial Intelligence Research Spanning the Computing Continuum.
- Tommy Minyard: Stampede3 — Modernizing and Evolving the Largest ACCESS Compute Resource.
- Twila Moon, Matt Jones: QGreenland-Net: Open, Connected Data Infrastructure for Greenland-focused Geoscience, and Beyond.
- Lakshminarayan Subramanian: Scalable Climate Modeling using Message-Passing Recurrent Neural Networks.
Presentation recording (passcode: A!55vSps )
- Andy Aschwanden: Enhancing Usability of the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) to Accelerate Innovative Sea-Level Research.
- Joanmarie DelVecchio: A Workflow for Efficient and reproducible permafrost geomorphology analysis.
- Sudarsun Kannan: A Unified Monitoring Approach to Enhancing the Security and Resiliency of Hazard Workflows on Heterogeneous Infrastructures.
- David Hyde: Advanced Cloud-Based Data and Visualization-Integrated Simulation EnviRonment (ADVISER) to Advance Computational Glaciology.
- Udit Gupta: Cloud Infrastructures for Designing Sustainable Electronics.
Presentation recording (passcode: #fSppPr7 )
- Leonardo Bobadilla: EnviStor: A Repository for Supporting Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research on South Florida's Built and Natural Environments.
- Roch Guerin: Speeding-up Large-Scale Simulations of Atmospheric Composition.
- Xun Jian: A Cross-Stack Approach to Reduce Memory Carbon in Cloud Data Centers.
- Dan Amrhein, Michael Long: A Community Platform for Accelerating Observationally-Constrained Regional Oceanographic Modeling.
- Carrie Bell: Development of Cyberinfrastructure to Establish a Scalable Application of Self-Supervised Machine Learning for Over a Decade of NOAA's Water Column Sonar Data.
- Jingjing Liang: Science-i Cyberinfrastructure for Forest Ecosystem Research.
NDC-C supported awards and supplements
Award number | Principal investigator | Title |
2336296 | Shantenu Jha | EAGER: Federating HPC and cloud resources for sea-level rise modeling and adaptation |
2346667 | Damien Doyle | Research Infrastructure: CC* Data Storage: Broadening UMBCs Data Storage footprint to Advance Scientific Research and Discovery |
2347239 | Stefano Castruccio | Re-Imagining Computation and Storage Resources in Climate- and Weather-dedicated Cyberinfrastructures |
2402946 2402947 | Zhe Jiang, Jie Ren | Collaborative Research: OAC Core: Learning AI Surrogate of Large-Scale Spatiotemporal Simulations for Coastal Circulation |
2410799 2410800 2410801 | Viswanath Nandigam, Chelsea Scott, Christopher Crosby | Collaborative Research: Sustained Resources: OpenTopography - An AI-ready Cyberinfrastructure Facility for Advancing Our Understanding of a Changing Earth |
2410845 2410846 2410847 2410848 2410849 2410850 | Mark Behn, Leif Karlstrom, Wolfgang Bangerth, Timo Heister, Gregory Tucker, John Naliboff | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Coupling bulk and surface processes in simulating the solid earth with ASPECT and LandLab |
2410992 2410993 | Reed Maxwell, Laura Condon | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Building a national integrated watershed evaluation framework: A community platform to improve model evaluation and decision making |
2411033 2411034 2411035 2411036 | Charles Nguyen, Andrew Moodie, Eric Hutton, Eric Barefoot | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Sandpiper - A community toolchain to support geomorphology from data acquisition to analysis |
2411055 | Daniel Shapero | Elements: simulating glacier terminus evolution and iceberg calving with icepack |
2411114 | Pavlos Kollias | Elements: Multisensor Agile Adaptive Sampling (MAAS) of the Atmosphere |
2411181 2411182 | Ryan Venturelli, Joseph Tulenko | Collaborative Research: Frameworks - A transparent-middle-layer computational and data management infrastructure for polar radiocarbon chronology |
2411221 2411222 2411223 | Claudio Silva, Jon Froehlich, Fabio Miranda | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Cyberinfrastructure to Catalyze and Sustain the Urban Computing Community |
2411267 2411268 | Deborah Khider, Nicholas McKay | Collaborative Research: Elements: TUPS: Table Understanding for Paleoclimate Studies |
2411273 | Daniel Aliaga | Frameworks: Cyberinfrastructure for Urban Tree Resilience and Environmental Equity (uTREE) |
2416650 | Ningning Kong | CyberTraining: Implementation: Small: Enabling the Geospatial Turn in the Social Sciences through Cyberinfrastructure Training |
2417849 2417850 | Wenqian Dong, Xipeng Shen | Collaborative Research: CyberTraining: Implementation: Medium: EcoTern: Pioneering a CI Workforce for Sustainable and Transdisciplinary Environmental Science Research |
2419722 | Surendra Byna | Collaborative Research: CICI:TCR:S2-D2: Securing Self-describing Data, Formats, and Libraries |
2425306 | Mingfang Ting | CAIG: Unraveling the Extreme Near-Global Marine Heatwaves of 2023: Using Artificial Intelligence to Understand the Physics and Implications for the Future |
2425667 | Ashesh Chattopadhyay | CAIG: Stability and Physical consistency of AI-based climate emulators for estimating forced responses |
2425747 2425748 | Arvind Singh, Efi Foufoula-Georgiou | Collaborative Research: CAIG: Data science frontiers in advancing predictive understanding of landscapes and erosional extremes under changing climatic scenarios |
2425844 2425845 | Yiqun Xie, Xiaowei Jia | Collaborative Research: CAIG: Toward Next-Generation Global Forest Carbon Monitoring via Integrated Sensing, Modeling and AI to Advance Carbon Cycle Science |
2425885 | Deborah Khider | CAIG: PaleoPAL: An AI research assistant for paleoclimatology |
2425898 2425899 | Dorian Abbot, Jonathan Weare | Collaborative Research: CAIG: Developing AI Emulator Tools for Extreme Events with Application to Heat Waves and Cold Snaps |
2425923 | Imme Ebert-Uphoff | CAIG: Toward a deeper understanding of cloud processes and future storm modes using AI |
2409885 2409886 2409887 |
Viswanath Nandigam, Carlos Silva, Chelsea Scott |
Collaborative Research: Frameworks: OpenForest4D - A web- based cyberinfrastructure platform for next generation 4D forest mapping and monitoring | -->
Award number | Principal investigator | Title |
1751075 | Carlee Joe-Wong | CAREER: Towards a Marketplace of Networked Services for the Next Billion Devices (Supplement) |
1755088 | Everette Joseph | Integrating NCAR’s data infrastructure with the OSDF (Supplement) |
1925001 | Michael Norman | Cloudbank supplements for NDCC (Two Supplements) |
2027170 | Kate Keahey | Collaborative Research: Chameleon Phase III: A Large-Scale, Reconfigurable Experimental Environment for Cloud Research (Supplement) |
2027208 | Rob Ricci | CloudLab Phase III: Expanding the Frontiers of Cloud Computing Through World-Class Community Infrastructure (Supplement) |
2138259 | Stephen Deems (CMU) | Track 1: ACCESS Resource Allocations Marketplace and Platform Services (RAMPS) (Supplement) |
2234326 | Ana Hunsinger | 21st Century Research-Cyberinfrastructure for MSIs through the Minority Serving - Cyberinfrastructure Consortium (MS-CC): A phased approach to engage the Missing Millions (Supplement) |
2311319 | Joanmarie DelVecchio | Elements: A workflow for efficient and reproducible permafrost geomorphology analysis |
2311376 | Isla Simpson | Sustainability: Atmospheric Physics Needs for Community Climate Modeling |
2311382, 2311383 | Matthew Long, David Nicholson | Collaborative Research: Frameworks: A community platform for accelerating observationally-constrained regional oceanographic modeling |
2311762 | Jingjing Liang | Elements: Science-i Cyberinfrastructure for Forest Ecosystem Research |
2311843 | Carrie Bell | Elements: Development of cyberinfrastructure to establish a scalable application of self-supervised machine learning for over a decade of NOAA's water column sonar data |
2311919 | Donata Giglio | Sustainability: Long-term Deployment Sustainability Strategy for Argovis |
2312785 | Xun Jian | CSR:Medium: A Cross-stack Approach to Reduce Memory Carbon in Cloud Data Centers |
2319944 | Sudarsun Kannan | CICI: TCR: A Unified Monitoring Approach to Enhancing the Security and Resiliency of Hazard Workflows on Heterogeneous Infrastructures |
2320345 | William Gropp | Category I: Bridging the Gap Between AI/ML Computing Demands and Today's Capabilities (Supplement) |
2320757 | Tommy Minyard | ACSS Category-I System supplements, Stampede 3, early users (Supplement) |
2322308 | Leonardo Bobadilla | CC* Storage: EnviStor: A Repository for Supporting Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research on South Florida's Built and Natural Environments |
2334507, 2334508 | Roch Guerin, Sebastian Eastham | Collaborative Research: EAGER: Speeding-up large-scale simulations of atmospheric composition |
2324514 | Sudeep Pasricha | DESC: Type I: Sustainable Serverless Computing |
2324718 | Andy Aschwanden | RISE OSE GEO OSE Track 2: Enhancing usability of the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) to accelerate innovative sea-level research |
2324735, 2324736, 2324737 | David Hyde, Daniel Shapero, and Catherine Walker | Collaborative Research: GEO OSE Track 1: Advanced cloud-based Data and Visualization-Integrated Simulation EnviRonment (ADVISER) to Advance Computational Glaciology |
2324765 | Twila Moon, Matthew Jones | RISE OSE Collaborative Research: GEO OSE Track 2: QGreenland-Net: Open, connected data infrastructure for Greenland-focused geoscience, and beyond |
2331263 | Pete Beckman (NU) | A National-Scale Testbed Supporting Artificial Intelligence Research Spanning the Computing Continuum |
2331480 | Brian Bockelman (UW) | Pelican: Advancing the Open Science Data Federation Platform |
2333609 | Ilkay Altintas (UCSD) | National Data Platform Pilot: Services for Equitable Open Access to Data |
2334701 | Gwendolyn Huntoon | Tribal College and University CI Facilitation |
2334945 | Michela Taufer | EAGER: A Comprehensive Approach for Generating, Sharing, Searching, and Using High-Resolution Terrain Parameters |
2335335 | Michael Zink | EAGER: SPRITE: Sensor Processing and Realtime Intelligence at The Edge - Supporting the National Discovery Cloud for Climate with Advanced Networking, Cloud, and Edge Computing |
2335773 | Lakshminarayan Subramanian | EAGER: Scalable Climate Modeling using Message-Passing Recurrent Neural Networks |
2335795 | Udit Gupta | EAGER: Cloud Infrastructures for Designing Sustainable Electronics |