Abstract collage of overlapping, bright-colored glowing circles
Event ended Advisory group meetings

Advisory Committee for Geosciences

About this event

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this meeting was rescheduled to May 7, 2020, and held virtually.


Meeting Minutes

Advisory Committee for Geosciences (AC/GEO)
May 7, 2020 
Virtual Meeting

AC/GEO Attendees: 

  • Kip Hodges (Chair), Arizona State 
  • Kaatje Kraft, Whatcom Community College 
  • Kerry Cook, University of Texas at Austin 
  • Luis González, University of Kansas 
  • David Parsons, University of Oklahoma 
  • Gary Mitchum, University of South Florida 
  • Ramón Arrowsmith, Arizona State 
  • Colette Heald, MIT 
  • Lihini Aluwihare, University of California, San Diego 
  • Robyn Millan, Dartmouth College 
  • Carol Arnosti, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 
  • Amanda Lynch, Brown University 
  • Jose Fuentes, Penn State 
  • Stephen Riser, University of Washington 
  • Cathy Whitlock, Montana State 
  • Lisa White, University of California, Berkeley 
  • Alan Robeck, Rutgers University 
  • Shirley Pomponi, Florida International 

NSF Senior Staff: 

  • Bill Easterling, OAD/GEO 
  • Scott Borg, OAD/GEO 
  •  Lina Patino, EAR 
  • Melissa Lane, OAD/GEO 
  • Maggie Benoit, EAR 
  • Jessica Robin, EAR 

Dr. Hodges convened the meeting at 1 pm EDT. In welcoming everyone, he noted that this meeting was the first for a majority of the Committee members a round of introductions ensued.

Division of Earth Sciences Geophysical Facility Portfolio Review

Dr. Hodges introduced the topic of approving the establishment of a review committee for EAR geophysical facilities. The primary goal of the review will be to examine the portfolio of capabilities provided by SAGE (Seismological Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience) and GAGE (Geodetic Facility for the Advancement of Geoscience), as well as recent advances in seismic and geodetic instrumentation that are not currently provided by SAGE and GAGE, and recommend a prioritized set of capabilities that should be provided by a future geophysical facility to maximize scientific progress. Dr. Ramón Arrowsmith has agreed to chair the review committee. It will report to AC GEO and may consist of current AC GEO members as well as individuals from the broader scientific community. Dr. Hodges made a motion to approve the establishment of committee. It was seconded and passed unanimously.

Around the Table

  • Dr. Patino announced that the NASEM CORES Report, A Vision for NSF Earth Sciences 2020-2030: Earth in Time, will be published by the end of May.
  • Dr. Hodges asked for new members to let him know which topic of the 21st Century Geosciences report they’d like to work on. The draft report will be discussed at the October meeting.
  • Currently, the next AC GEO meeting is scheduled for October 14-15. It has not yet been decided if it will be a fully virtual meeting or an in-person meeting with some participants connecting remotely. NSF will make a decision about in-person meetings by June 19th. If the meeting is fully virtual, the dates/format may change.

Dr. Hodges adjourned the meeting at 1:30 pm EDT. 

Event group:
GEO Advisory Committee