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Archaeometry (AMTRY)

View guidelines

NSF 23-573

Important information about NSF’s implementation of the revised 2 CFR

NSF Financial Assistance awards (grants and cooperative agreements) made on or after October 1, 2024, will be subject to the applicable set of award conditions, dated October 1, 2024, available on the NSF website. These terms and conditions are consistent with the revised guidance specified in the OMB Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance published in the Federal Register on April 22, 2024.

Important information for proposers

All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in this funding opportunity and in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that is in effect for the relevant due date to which the proposal is being submitted. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal meets these requirements. Submitting a proposal prior to a specified deadline does not negate this requirement.

Supports the development and refinement of techniques and the provision of laboratory services to analyze archaeological specimens and the development of basic infrastructure for archaeological research.

Supports the development and refinement of techniques and the provision of laboratory services to analyze archaeological specimens and the development of basic infrastructure for archaeological research.


The Archaeology Program administers an annual Archaeometry competition with a target date of December 1. The goal is to fund projects in two main categories:

  1. To develop or refine anthropologically relevant archaeometric techniques. Examples include the development of methods to identify specific types of organic residues on ceramics or development of field applicable analytic techniques.
  2. To support laboratories which provide relevant services. This includes support of service laboratories which, for example, may provide dating trace element, isotopic and dendrochronological analyses. It also includes support for data archives, which function to strengthen basic archaeological infrastructure.

Projects which apply standard archaeometic techniques with the goal to answer specific archaeological questions should be submitted to the Archaeology Senior Research Awards competition. Proposals are evaluated by both ad hoc reviewers and a panel composed of individuals who combine both archaeological and archaeometric expertise.

Program contacts

Name Email Phone Organization
John E. Yellen
Program Director
jyellen@nsf.gov (703) 292-8759 SBE/BCS
Don Rimon
Business Operations Analyst
drimon@nsf.gov (703) 292-2960 SBE/BCS

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