NSF (GEO and SBE) Directorates and NOAA Call for IUCRC (Industry-University Cooperative Research Center) Proposals for Modeling of Catastrophic Impacts and Risk Assessment Due to Climate Change
Dear Colleagues:
Improved understanding and modeling of climate change and its associated risks and impacts on the planet's natural and built environments are critical to the resilience of communities, nationally and worldwide. The National Science Foundation Directorates for Geosciences (GEO) and for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) share a mission to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, and the ocean and coasts, including the role of human behavior in affecting and responding to these changes; share knowledge and information with others; and develop a high-quality domestic workforce knowledgeable about and able to address science and technology challenges in these areas. NOAA’s mission also addresses the conservation and management of coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. Success for NSF and NOAA depends on cutting-edge science and engineering research and the development of tools, utilities, and other technologies.
To address the challenge of climate change and its impacts, GEO, SBE, and NOAA have partnered to support the creation of an IUCRC on modeling of catastrophic impacts and risk assessment of climate change targeting the needs of the financial and insurance sectors of the economy.
IUCRCs are powerful vehicles developed by the National Science Foundation (NSF) where university faculty and students work with members of an industry consortium to provide cutting-edge, use-inspired research focused on the collective needs of a sector of the US economy.
IUCRCs help university faculty and students increase the impact of their research; develop an entrepreneurial mindset; and create robust, long-term relationships between universities, the private sector, and other interested entities. The IUCRC Program helps industry partners and other interested entities connect directly and efficiently with university researchers to achieve three primary objectives:
- Conduct high-impact research to meet shared and critical industrial needs of companies of all sizes.
- Enhance U.S. global leadership in driving innovative technology development.
- Identify, mentor, and develop a diverse, highly skilled, science and engineering work force
Information on IUCRCs, how they work, and other relevant information can be found in the IUCRC program solicitation and on the IUCRC website.
IUCRCs are consortia that catalyze breakthrough, fundamental research by enabling close and sustained engagement between universities, faculty teams, industry, and other interested parties. It provides a structure for Center-affiliated academic research teams to constructively interact with their members (i.e., industry and government organizations who form an Advisory Board and pay an annual membership fee to be a part of the Center). Membership fees are used to support fundamental, use-inspired, research projects that are proposed by faculty/student teams to the Board. The Board considers the proposals and recommends those they collectively feel are most critical to addressing sector needs. The final selection is made by Center leadership.
Successful IUCRCs require:
- A capable research/management team with an entrepreneurial mindset.
- Universities, faculty, and students interested in engaging in research of interest to industry.
- A community of industry partners seeking pre-competitive, use-inspired research projects.
Each IUCRC is expected to grow and become independently sustainable by the end of the NSF support.
An IUCRC is initiated when a group of faculty and students from one or more universities, with an interest in conducting cutting edge, basic research, come together with the goal of addressing the pressing needs of a sector of the US economy. The faculty interview members of that sector to identify the most important issues holding it back, converge on a theme of high sector interest, and identify companies and other entities willing to sign on as founding members of the Center.
The first formal step to Center formation consists of submitting an IUCRC Planning Grant proposal that demonstrates interest in the proposed Center and its theme by private sector and other interested parties. If awarded, this provides up to one year of planning for Center faculty to identify and engage prospective members from the private sector and other entities with the potential to become dues paying members of their Center.
A successful planning phase is followed by a Phase I IUCRC proposal with the potential for 5 years of NSF support. Upon successful completion, the Center can compete for another 5 years (Phase II or II+). During the Center's run, its leadership and faculty continue to recruit dues paying members for their Advisory Board so by the end of NSF support, the Center is self-supporting via private sector and other non-NSF funding.
Planning Grant proposals require the submission of a preliminary proposal. Target dates for Planning Grant preliminary proposals are the second Wednesdays in September and March Full proposal target dates are the second Wednesdays of December and June. See the IUCRC program solicitation for more details.
To discuss this opportunity, please contact Barbara Ransom (bransom@nsf.gov, 703-292-7792) at the NSF Directorate for Geosciences GEO Innovation Hub.
Alexandra R. Isern
Assistant Director for Geosciences (NSF)
Sylvia M. Butterfield
Acting Assistant Director for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (NSF)
Sarah Kapnick
Chief Scientist for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)