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NSF GRANTED Investments

The NSF GRANTED program is pleased to share investment data on this page. This data was compiled using the NSF Enterprise Report system. During fiscal year 2023, the GRANTED program held three opportunities for the research enterprise community. This page shows data from two of these opportunities. GRANTED program description NSF 23-221Y and Dear Colleague Letter: GRANTED conferences and workshops NSF 23-037

GRANTED awards & proposal submission data

Awards by GRANTED funding opportunity

The bar graph below shows the percentage of award investments made from the NSF GRANTED program in FY 2023. 97% of GRANTED awards support conference awards and 3% support program description funding opportunity awards. 

GRANTED chart showing funding information

Credit: National Science Foundation

Proposals by GRANTED funding opportunity

The bar graph below shows the percentage of proposals evaluated by  the NSF GRANTED program in FY 2023. 73% were conference proposals and 23% were proposals submitted to the GRANTED program description funding opportunity. 

GRANTED chart showing funding information

Credit: National Science Foundation

Awards by GRANTED sectors

The NSF GRANTED Wheel illustrates the research support and service infrastructure sectors supported by GRANTED awards. 

In Fiscal Year 2023:

  • 38% of GRANTED awards focus on growing access to Research Administration support
  • 38% of GRANTED awards focus on growing access to Research Development support
  • 13% of GRANTED awards focus on growing access to Research Leadership support
  • 8% of GRANTED awards focus on growing Broader Impacts support
  • 4% of GRANTED awards focus on growing access to Research Training Management
GRANTED infographic

Awards by Principal Investigator

Awards by PI status

The bar graph below shows the percentage of GRANTED award investments by lead principal investigator (PI) status. 38% of GRANTED awards are led by new PIs (PIs who have had no prior NSF support).

GRANTED chart showing funding information

Credit: National Science Foundation

Awards made to lead PIs underrepresented in STEM

The bar graph below shows the percentage of GRANTED award investments made to lead principal investigators underrepresented in STEM (PI). 28% of GRANTED award lead PIs self-identify as belonging to a group underrepresented in STEM.


Chart showing GRANTED awards

Credit: National Science Foundation

Awards by PI gender

The bar graph below shows the percentage of GRANTED award investments made by gender of lead principal investigators (PI). 82% of GRANTED awards support Female PIs

GRANTED chart showing funding information

Credit: National Science Foundation

Institutional award data

Awards made to institutions in EPSCoR jurisdictions

The pie chart below shows the percentage of GRANTED award investments made to institutions in EPSCoR jurisdictions/states. 28% of GRANTED awards support institutions in EPSCoR jurisdictions.

GRANTED chart showing funding information

Credit: National Science Foundation

Awards made to Eligible Primarily Undergraduate Institutions

The pie chart below shows the percentage of GRANTED award investments made to Eligible Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUI). 44% of GRANTED awards support eligible PUIs. 

GRANTED chart showing funding information

Credit: National Science Foundation

Awards made to Emerging Research Institutions (ERI)

The pie chart below shows the percentage of GRANTED award investments made to Emerging Research Institutions (ERI). 62% of GRANTED awards support ERIs. 

GRANTED chart showing funding information

Credit: National Science Foundation

Awards made to Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) 

The pie chart below shows the percentage of GRANTED award investments made to Minority Serving Institutions (MSI). 28% of GRANTED awards support MSIs. 

GRANTED chart showing funding information

Credit: National Science Foundation

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