- Committee’s Official Designation: Advisory Committee for International Science and Engineering (AC-ISE), #25104.
- Authority: This committee is established in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended, 5 U.S.C., Code 10 and the FACA Implementing Regulations (41 CFR 101-6 and 102-3).
- Objective and Scope of Activities: To provide advice and recommendations concerning support for research, education and related activities involving the U.S. science and engineering community working in a global context as well as strategic efforts to promote a more effective NSF role in international science and engineering.
- Description of Duties: Advise NSF on the impact of NSF and U.S. Government policies on international engagements of the U.S. research and science education communities. Advise NSF on agency-wide strategic goals and initiatives in the international science and engineering research and education arena. Advise NSF on the Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) stewardship of NSF’s international leadership in science and engineering activities. Review and advise on the impact of research and education programs supported by (OISE).
- Official to Whom the Committee Reports: The Committee reports to the Office Head, Office of International Science and Engineering.
- Agency Responsible for Providing the Necessary Support: The National Science Foundation will be responsible for financial and administrative support.
- Estimated Annual Operating Costs and Staff Years: The estimated annual operating cost of the Committee is about $12,433 that includes about $11,233 in staff support costs. Staff support is approximately 0.07 person-year.
- Designated Federal Officer: A full-time or permanent part-time NSF employee will serve as the Designated Federal Officer (DFO). The DFO will approve or call the Committee and subcommittee meetings, prepare and approve meeting agendas, attend committee meetings, adjourn any meeting when the DFO determines adjournment to be in the public interest. The Deputy Office Head, Office of International Science and Engineering will serve as DFO. Alternate DFOs may be appointed.
- Estimate Number and Frequency of Meetings: The committee will meet approximately two times a year.
- Duration: It is expected that the Committee will continue indefinitely with renewals of the charter every two years as required under FACA.
- Termination: The committee is subject to biennial review and will terminate 2 years from the date the charter is filed unless the charter is renewed in accordance with Section 14 of FACA.
- Memberships and Designation: The standing membership of the full committee will consist of approximately 8 – 12 individuals selected to be representative of the scientific areas and types of institutions encompassed by the Foundation’s international objectives and activities. Every effort is made to achieve a diverse membership and representation, including individuals from underrepresented groups, various institutional types, including non-academic, as well as different geographic regions of the U.S. It is anticipated that Committee members will be comprised of Special Government Employees (SGEs) and Regular Government Employees (RGEs).
- Subcommittees: NSF may form subcommittees for any purpose consistent with this charter. Such subcommittees must report their recommendation and advice to the full committee for full deliberation and discussion.
- Recordkeeping: The records of the Committee and any subcommittee(s) shall be handled in accordance with General Records Schedule 6.2 or other approved agency records disposition schedule. These records shall be available for public inspection and copying, subject to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, and 5 U.S.C. App. 2 § 10, as appropriate.
- Certification: This Committee is determined to be necessary and in the public interest.
Signed on February 10, 2023, by Brent Miller, Deputy Office Head (Acting), Office of International Science and Engineering
Date filed with Congress: April 12, 2023