Eduardo Misawa

Personnel summary

Scientific Integrity Official and Senior Advisor

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Eduardo Misawa a Senior Advisor in the Office of Director and Scientific Integrity Officer of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). He held positions at NSF as a program director as well as several leadership and management positions in the Directorate for Engineering, Directorate for Computer and Information Sciences, Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, and Directorate for Education and Human Resources at NSF. His research and teaching experience includes Science and Technology Policy, Nonlinear Dynamics, System Sciences, Dynamics and Control, Computational and Data Sciences, Nanotechnology, Precision Engineering, Vehicle Dynamics, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering. He has B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from University of São Paulo and Ph.D. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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