Personnel summary
Program Director
Contact information
Phone (703) 292-8339
Direct (703) 292-7360
Fax (703) 292-9146
Room E 14459
Program responsibilities
- Addressing Systems Challenges through Engineering Teams (ASCENT)
- Communications, Circuits, and Sensing-Systems (CCSS)
- Resilient & Intelligent NextG Systems - Virtual Organization (RINGS-VO)
Dr. Jenshan Lin is a Program Director in ECCS Division’s Communications, Circuits, and Sensing Systems (CCSS) program. He is also a Professor Emeritus at the University of Florida (UF). His service at NSF began in October 2016, as a Program Director in ECCS under Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) assignment. After completing the IPA assignment in August 2020, he returned to his faculty position in UF. In January 2022, he retired from UF and rejoined NSF. He serves as the cluster lead of CCSS Program and manages several interdisciplinary cross-cutting programs involving RF and wireless technologies, semiconductors, communications, and sensing.
Dr. Lin received his B.S. degree in Electrophysics from National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Hsinchu, Taiwan in 1987, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from UCLA in 1991 and 1994, respectively. In his early career prior to joining UF, Dr. Lin worked for AT&T/Lucent Bell Laboratories and its spinoff Agere Systems in New Jersey (Murray Hill and Holmdel locations) from 1994 to 2003, working on microwave and millimeter-wave circuits using various semiconductor technologies for early wireless technology developments including 3G, wireless LAN (before Wi-Fi), and 28-/38-GHz point-to-point links. At UF, his research focused on wireless sensing, biomedical radar, and wireless power transfer. He has published more than 300 papers and produced 24 patents. He and his students worked with startup companies licensing his wireless power transfer or wireless vital sign radar technologies for technology transfer and commercialization. Two of them were acquired by publicly traded companies. He graduated 29 Ph.D. students at UF before his retirement.
Dr. Lin is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). He served as Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technology (MTT) in 2013-2016 and an elected voting member of the IEEE MTT Society’s AdCom in 2006-2011. He chaired several committees and conferences in the IEEE MTT Society, including the General Chair of 2008 RFIC Symposium, the Technical Program Committee (TPC) Chair of 2009 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, the TPC Co-Chair of 2021 International Microwave Symposium, the General Chair of 2021 Wireless Power Transfer Conference, the Chair of Tatsuo Itoh Prize Award Committee in 2019-2021, and the Chair of IEEE MTT Fellow Evaluating Committee in 2021-2022.
Dr. Lin received 1994 UCLA Outstanding Ph.D. Award, 1997 ETA KAPPA NU Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Honorable Mention Award, 2007 IEEE MTT-S N. Walter Cox Award, 2016 NCTU Distinguished Alumnus Award, 2016 IEEE RFIC Symposium Tina Quach Outstanding Service Award, and 2024 IEEE MTT-S Distinguished Educator Award. He received the University of Florida Technology Innovator Awards in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, and 2017 for patents licensed in prior calendar year. At NSF, he received Director's Award for Superior Accomplishment in 2022 as part of the RINGS Group.