Nadia El-Masry

Personnel summary

Program Director

Contact information

  • Phone (703) 292-8380
  • Direct (703) 292-4975
  • Fax (703) 292-9051
  • Room E 14315

Program responsibilities



Nadia El-Masry is a program director for the Engineering Research Centers (ERC) in the division of Engineering Education and Centers (EEC), joined the EEC division in 2019. El-Masry was a full professor of Materials Science and Engineering at North Carolina State University since 1996. Her research field is in “Spin Electronic” material and devices for memory devices, and “Semiconductor Material and Devices” for light emitting diodes and solar cells. During her tenure at NC State, she served at NSF as a program director (rotator) for the electronic and photonic materials (EPM) in DMR-MPS (2009-2012), and program director for the electronic, photonic, and magnetic devices (EPMD) in ECCS-ENG (2015-2017).

El-Masry has published 220 peer-reviewed publications, contributed 75 invited talks and conference presentations, and 6 issued patents. As a Professor at North Carolina State University, El-Masry has administered research funds from DOD, DOE, NSF, and DARPA funding agencies.

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