Tomasz Durakiewicz

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Tomasz Durakiewicz received his Ph.D. in Poland in 1998 in the area of Experimental Physics for work on surface properties of metals. After spending a year as Visiting Professor at the University of New Mexico, Durakiewicz joined Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2000 as Director's Funded postdoc and converted to staff member in 2003. His main research interests are related to the electronic structure of f-electron materials, mostly actinides, explored by angle-resolved photoemission. In addition, Durakiewicz worked on the electronic structure of topological systems, thermionic emission and work function, and also on applications of stable isotopes. Durakiewicz has coauthored over 170 peer-reviewed publications, over 210 conference abstracts, and 6 patents, and presented over 60 invited talks. Since July 2014 Durakiewicz serves as Program Director for Condensed Matter Physics at the National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research, and since February 2019 serves as Staff Associate, Office of the Assistant Director, Directoriate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences.  

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