Personnel summary
Contact information
Room N/A
Program responsibilities
- Community Infrastructure for Research in Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CIRC)
- IIS: Robust Intelligence (RI)
- Research on Innovative Technologies for Enhanced Learning (RITEL)
- Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science (SCH)
Areas of Expertise:
Human Language and Communication
Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Representation
Tatiana (Tanya) Korelsky is a Program Director in the Robust Intelligence Cluster in the Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS), Directorate of Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE). She is a Visiting Scientist from a small R&D company CoGenTex, Inc. where she was a Vice President for Applications.
Dr. Korelsky is managing proposals and awards in the area of Human Language and Communication, one of the areas within the Robust Intelligence cluster. This includes fundamental research, education and outreach projects and activities aimed at developing new knowledge and nurturing a new generation of scientists in this field which studies the uniquely human ability to communicate using natural language and other communication modes. With respect to this ability, robust intelligent systems should ultimately achieve human-level performance in multi-modal communication, language understanding and generation, succinct rendering or summarization of information, and translation between languages.
Dr. Korelsky's technical qualifications are in the areas of computational linguistics, knowledge representation, and formal methods in computer science. Her recent research has focused on natural language generation from data, including robust applications of this technology, and on statistical methods for machine translation by transfer on a syntactic level. She has authored two books and more than 50 papers in her 35 years of experience in these domains.
Dr. Korelsky has been a program committee member, area chair, panel coordinator and invited panelist at numerous workshops and conferences in text generation, computational linguistics and formal methods in computer security. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the HLT/NAACL and LREC conferences, and a member of the Advisory Panel to the DTO AQUAINT program.
Dr Korelsky received her M.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science from Moscow State University, Russia, and her Ph.D. equivalent (Candidate of Sciences, 1974) in Information Science from the Institute of Scientific and Technological Information of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where she conducted research in computational linguistics and logical analysis of natural language.