Two people looking at something on a computer with two monitors.

About EDU

The U.S. National Science Foundation Directorate for STEM Education (EDU) promotes inclusivity and innovation to develop a highly skilled science and engineering workforce and enhance the quality of life of all citizens and the health, prosperity, welfare and security of the nation. 

EDU aims to promote excellence in STEM education to develop a diverse and well-prepared workforce and scientifically informed citizens. The organization supports projects focused on innovative teaching methods, curriculum enhancements, learning technologies and teacher training. It also promotes lifelong learning and fosters collaborations between educational institutions, industry and communities. 

What we support

EDU supports the advancement of STEM education by providing funding for individual researchers, collaborative teams and the development of educational tools and resources. It also offers training and mentorship for students and early-career educators.

The directorate's priorities are: 

Education research

We support research focused on innovative educational methods and strategies that enhance learning experiences at all levels.


Broadening participation

We promote equitable access to STEM education, ensuring that learners from all backgrounds can benefit from opportunities in science and engineering. 

Workforce development

We support the development of a diverse and highly skilled STEM workforce, preparing the next generation of scientists, engineers and educators.

Building Partnerships

We build partnerships and collaborations between educational institutions, industries and research communities to strengthen STEM education and workforce development. 

Who we are

James L.Moore III headshot

Assistant Director
Dr. James Moore

Sylvia Butterfield headshot

Deputy Assistant Director
Dr. Sylvia Butterfield

Vision, mission and values

Vision: A nation where excellence in STEM education and research is without limits or barriers.

Mission: To invest in high-quality research and promising practices in STEM education to ensure an inclusive, well-prepared STEM workforce and STEM literacy for a diverse nation.

Values: NSF's Core Values — Scientific Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion, Integrity and Excellence, Public Service, and Innovation and Collaboration — guide EDU's work. Additionally, consistent with our vision and mission, EDU embodies a sixth value: Education & Learning...

Education & Learning: EDU embraces education and learning as a lifelong and dynamic endeavor. It values U.S. science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education at all levels and in all settings (both formal and informal). It also supports excellent STEM learning experiences for both the development of a diverse and well-prepared workforce and well-informed nation and to improve the lives people lead.


Division of Equity for Excellence in STEM (EES): Promotes activities that strengthen STEM education for underserved communities, broaden their participation in the workforce, and increase knowledge about promoting inclusion. (EES was formerly the Division of Human Resource Development.)

Division of Graduate Education (DGE): Supports graduate students and the development of innovative programs to prepare tomorrow's leaders in STEM fields.

Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL): Invests in STEM learning for people of all ages by promoting innovative research, development and evaluation of learning and teaching across all STEM disciplines in formal and informal settings.

Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE): Strengthens STEM education at two- and four-year colleges and universities by improving curricula, instruction, assessment, laboratories, infrastructure, collaborations and the diversity of students and faculty.

Students and faculty and Navajo Technical University work on electrochemical detection techniques under an NSF grant.