Building the Engineering Workforce

Through its workforce development efforts, the U.S. National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering helps ensure America's technological leadership now and into the future.

This page highlights NSF programs and other resources focused on building a diverse, highly skilled engineering workforce across the nation.

Gain new experiences

Explore opportunities in engineering research, education and training tailored to individuals at different career stages. These programs aim to engage and enhance development across various engineering disciplines.

High school students in the University of Maryland's Advanced Physics Summer Girls' Camp view an ion trap

Research Experiences for Teachers in Engineering and Computer Science (RET)
Supports summer research experiences for K-14 educators that foster long-term collaborations between universities, community colleges, school districts and industry partners.

Funded by NSF, the TeachEngineering digital library is an educational resource featuring standards-aligned, design-rich curricula.

Engineering for Us All (e4usa)
e4usa offers a variety of resources tailored for K-12 teachers to effectively integrate engineering concepts into their curriculum. These resources include lesson plans, activities and professional development opportunities designed to engage students in hands-on engineering experiences. e4usa aims to enhance teacher confidence and competence in teaching engineering, ultimately fostering a deeper understanding of STEM subjects among students from an early age.

Research Experience and Mentoring (REM)
Supports hands-on research and ongoing mentorship in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields for high school students, STEM teachers, undergraduate STEM students, faculty and veterans.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
Supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation. REU projects involve students in meaningful ways in ongoing research programs or in research projects specifically designed for the REU program.

Research Experience and Mentoring (REM)
Supports hands-on research and ongoing mentorship in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) for high school students, STEM teachers, undergraduate STEM students, faculty and veterans.

Skills Training in Advanced Research and Technology (START)
Invites supplemental funding requests from two-year institutions of higher education funded under the NSF Advanced Technological Education, Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers and Engineering Research Centers programs.

Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
Supports outstanding graduate students who have demonstrated the potential to be high-achieving scientists and engineers. Applicants must be pursuing full-time research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) or STEM education at accredited U.S. institutions.

NSF Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (NSF INTERN)
Invites supplemental funding requests to provide graduate students with experiential learning opportunities through research internships in nonacademic settings. Funding supports graduate students on active NSF grants for six months to provide the following:

  • Complementary, nonacademic training.
  • Professional development experience in preparation for multiple career pathways.
  • Opportunities for students from groups that are underrepresented in science and engineering.

Engineering Postdoctoral Fellows (eFellows) Program
The NSF eFellows program, managed by the American Society for Engineering Education, places early-career doctoral recipients in engineering fields in postdoctoral fellowships to conduct research at universities. In addition to hands-on academic research with a faculty advisor, each fellowship cohort will participate in professional development and mentoring activities designed to prepare them for future research careers.

Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI)
Supports collaboration between institutions of higher education and industry. Under this proposal type, academic scientists and engineers request funding either in conjunction with a regular proposal submitted to a standing NSF program or as a supplemental funding request to an existing NSF-funded award.

Innovation Corps (I-Corps™)
This immersive seven-week experiential training program prepares scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the university laboratory, accelerating the economic and societal benefits of NSF-funded and other basic research projects that are ready to move toward commercialization.

Mid-Career Advancement (MCA)
Supports opportunities for scientists and engineers at the associate professor rank (or equivalent) to substantively enhance and advance their research program through synergistic partnerships.

Build capacity at your institution

Explore opportunities to expand engineering research, education and training capacity at your institution.

Advanced Technological Education (ATE)
Supports partnerships between two-year institutions of higher education, other academic institutions, industry and other entities to improve the education of technicians in science and engineering.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Excellence in Research (HBCU - EiR)
Supports research at public and private historically Black colleges and universities to strengthen research capacity and promote engagement with NSF.

IUSE/Professional Formation of Engineers: Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (IUSE/PFE: RED)
Supports radical changes to the training of undergraduate engineering students to help them establish identities as professional engineers with the technical and professional skills needed to solve the complex problems facing society.

Research in the Formation of Engineers
Encourages educational research to create and support an innovative and inclusive technical workforce for the future. The research advances our understanding of how people become engineers, explores diverse pathways to and through degree programs, and examines how changes in engineering education spread.

Engineering Research Centers (ERC)
Supports convergent research, education and technology translation at U.S. universities that will lead to strong societal impacts. Each NSF ERC has interacting foundational components that go beyond the research project, including engineering workforce development at all participant stages, a culture of diversity and inclusion where all participants gain mutual benefit and value creation within an innovation ecosystem that will outlast the lifetime of the ERC.

Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC)
Supports breakthrough research by enabling close and sustained engagement between industry innovators, world-class academic teams and government agencies.

QuBBE Quantum Leap Challenge Institute

Partner with us

Explore opportunities to partner with NSF.