Safe and Inclusive Fieldwork Plans

The U.S. National Science Foundation's policy is to foster safe and harassment-free environments wherever science is conducted.

For each proposal to NSF that proposes to conduct research off-campus or off-site, the submitting organization's authorized organizational representative (AOR) must complete a certification that the organization has a plan in place for this proposal regarding safe and inclusive working environments. See Chapter II.E.9 of the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) for more information.

Some programs managed by the NSF directorates for Biological Sciences (BIO) and Geosciences (GEO) may instead require a Safe and Inclusive Fieldwork Plan to be submitted with a proposal. This requirement will be detailed in the participating programs' solicitations.

This requirement will be detailed in the participating programs' solicitations. This page provides information on what must be included in these plans and which programs require them instead of the AOR certification.

What is a Safe and Inclusive Fieldwork (SAIF) Plan?

A SAIF Plan is a project-specific two-page supplementary document that will be reviewed under NSF's Broader Impacts merit review criterion. Only certain BIO or GEO solicitations require a SAIF Plan, and this requirement applies only to proposals with off-campus or off-site research.

The four components of the SAIF Plan are specified in each solicitation (please read them in their entirety) and include:

  1. A description of the field setting and unique challenges for the team.
  2. Steps that will be taken to nurture an inclusive off-campus or off-site working environment.
  3. Communication processes.
  4. Organizational mechanisms for reporting, responding to, and resolving issues of harassment, should they arise.

Which solicitations require a SAIF Plan to be included in a proposal?

The following solicitations issued by BIO and GEO require the inclusion of the two-page SAIF Plan as a supplementary document. Proposers are only required to submit a SAIF Plan if they are proposing off-campus or off-site research. Additional solicitations may require a SAIF Plan in the future, so before you submit a proposal, please carefully read the solicitation to determine whether a SAIF Plan is required.

See Chapter VII.B.6 of the PAPPG for information on requirements for SAIF Plans for award recipients who rebudget funds to support off-campus or off-site research and for supplemental requests that include off-campus or off-site.

Frequently asked questions

NSF has posted some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the preparation and submission of SAIF Plans under the pilot being run by BIO and GEO.

A PDF version of the FAQs is also available.

The FAQ webpage provides information on the following topics:

  • Eligibility criteria: Information on who is eligible to apply for funding, including criteria related to institutions, individuals and project types.
  • Application process: Details on how to apply for funding, including instructions on submitting proposals, deadlines and required documentation.
  • Proposal preparation: Guidance on preparing proposals, including formatting requirements, page limits and content expectations.
  • Review process: Explanation of how proposals are evaluated, including information on review criteria, panel composition and review timelines.
  • Budget and funding: Information on budgeting for proposed projects, allowable expenses and any funding restrictions.
  • Reporting and compliance: Requirements for reporting on funded projects, compliance with regulations and policies and expectations for project outcomes.
  • Contact information: Points of contact for additional questions or clarification on the funding opportunity.

Additional information

The PAPPG details additional information on NSF's policies regarding fostering safe and harassment-free environments.

Additionally, program directors have hosted several events to provide information to and answer questions from the community about the pilot. Recordings, transcripts and slides can be found on the following event pages: