The U.S. National Science Foundation Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) supports research that advances our understanding of the global environment and drives technological innovation.
The directorate funds research projects and facilities across geoscience disciplines. GEO provides funding through its research clusters, sections and programs housed in its divisions and office. This page lists funding opportunities for the geoscience community.
You can also visit the Funding at NSF page to learn more about opportunities aimed at students and researchers based on career stage and information about preparing and submitting a proposal. Visit the Funding Search page to explore all NSF funding opportunities.
Proposals are evaluated through the merit review process outlined in the Proposal Award Policies and Procedures Guide.
On this page
Programs of interest across Geosciences
AGS clusters
The U.S. National Science Foundation Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) supports research, facilities and education on atmospheric processes and our planet's interactions with the sun.
AGS is organized into three clusters to maintain the division's ongoing investments in disciplinary-based research while removing barriers to cross-disciplinary collaboration.
EAR programs
The U.S. National Science Foundation Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) supports research, infrastructure and education focused on our planet.
OCE programs
The U.S. National Science Foundation Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) supports research, infrastructure and education on all aspects of the global ocean.
OCE is organized into programs to maintain the division's ongoing investments in disciplinary-based research and promote cross-disciplinary collaboration.
OCE Integrative Programs (IPS)
OCE invests in ocean research education and infrastructure, including vessels, underwater vehicles and observatories, to provide state-of-the-art equipment and assets for the ocean sciences community.
Data generated with OCE funds must be publicly available and stored in the Federal National Data Center repositories. Learn more about data management and sharing policies.
RISE incubators
The U.S. National Science Foundation Division of Research, Innovation, Synergies and Education (RISE) fosters connections among scientific discoveries, societal needs and education for the geoscience community.
RISE is organized by themes, or incubators, that focus on investment areas across the directorate. The division expands funding opportunities and areas of inquiry for the geoscience community through partnerships with other NSF directorates and external agencies.
Global Climate Challenges
Addresses climate and global change issues through convergent, interdisciplinary and equitable research approaches. A suite of international and national programs support progress in critical areas.
Geoscience Cyberinfrastructure
Supports research projects that use cross-cutting efforts to develop and expand access to cyberinfrastructure to promote open, inclusive, computationally enabled and data-driven geoscience research and education.
Geoscience Education and Broadening Participation
Supports research projects focused on education, talent development, outreach and broadening participation.
Geoscience Innovation Hub
Supports efforts to help geoscientists effectively navigate NSF funding opportunities focused on innovation and use-inspired research.
Synergistic Activities
Supports coordination opportunities across the directorate to synergize convergence research, international lead agency opportunities and global centers.
OPP sections and teams
The U.S. National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs (OPP) supports innovative and creative scientific research relating to Earth's polar regions and the global interplay of these regions with others across our planet. OPP facilitates access to both Antarctica and the Arctic and works with the United States military and other federal agencies to provide the necessary logistical support for this research.
Section for Arctic Sciences (ARC)
Supports fundamental research at the forefront of understanding the Arctic, including its human and natural components and its global linkages.
Section for Antarctic Sciences (ANT)
Supports cutting-edge research across all scientific fields that expands fundamental knowledge of Antarctic systems and processes, improves understanding of the interactions between the Antarctic region and global systems, and uses the unique characteristics of Antarctica as a science observing platform.
Section for Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics (AIL)
Provides the operational and logistical platform necessary for the U.S. to conduct world-class science in Antarctica and maintain its active and influential presence on the continent.
Environment Team (ENV)
Manages the environmental impact assessment process for all U.S. government activities in Antarctica, protects Antarctica's unique environments through the administration of a permitting system and participates in the consensus-based decision-making on the management of the Antarctic environment through the Antarctic Treaty's Committee for Environmental Protection.
Safety and Occupational Health Team (SOH)
Facilitates a culture of safety and health in support of research throughout the polar regions.
Dear colleague letters
Dear colleague letters (DCLs) announce certain funding opportunities and provide guidance related to existing opportunities. The following list includes some that may be of interest to the GEO community.
Opportunities for international collaboration
GEO can support international collaborations through lead agency agreements. The agreements allow representatives from the U.S. and another country to submit a joint proposal that will undergo a single review process through the lead agency. The agreements are developed as activities under an existing memorandum of understanding with a foreign science agency. Some are specific to an NSF directorate or division, while others encompass programs across the agency.
These agreements are not GEO's only tool for international collaboration. For example, some solicitations include international partners, some collaborations occur through broader international partnerships like the Belmont Forum, and in some cases, GEO has reciprocal relationships for sharing resources or facilities with international counterparts.
GEO participates in the active lead agency opportunities listed below. Please refer to the current opportunity webpages for more information about GEO-specific options for collaboration.
Dear Colleague Letter
Special Guidelines for Submitting Collaborative Proposals under the US NSF/GEO - UK NERC Lead Agency Opportunity
(currently undergoing revision)