Green Bank Observatory in the fall

Spectrum Management and Innovation

The U.S. National Science Foundation Division of Astronomical Sciences (AST) represents the interests of NSF and the scientific community in protecting access to the electromagnetic spectrum for research purposes.

The spectrum is a finite and precious public resource that plays an essential role in multiple areas of science and technology, commerce and industry, and national security. AST participates in the establishment of regulations, procedures and technical standards related to government, private sector and international use of the spectrum.

AST supports multiple spectrum-related activities including the following:

NSF SpectrumX

SpectrumX is an NSF Spectrum Innovation Center focused on maximizing the societal benefits that can be generated by the publicly owned spectrum through innovation in spectrum research, education and partnerships between industry, government and academia.

Led by the University of Notre Dame, this research center develops new ways to share and manage the radio spectrum; serves as an interdisciplinary nexus for scientists, engineers and educators; and provides education and training at the undergraduate and K-12 levels to help cultivate the workforce needed for future spectrum-related industries and scientific endeavors.

Next Era of Wireless and Spectrum (NSF NewSpectrum)

AST participates in the cross-directorate NSF NewSpectrum program which funds research to enable continued effective use of the spectrum amidst steady advances in wireless technologies and ever-increasing demands created by new scientific, military and commercial applications. The program seeks to develop new understanding and methods enabling the U.S. to transition to new ways of using and managing the spectrum.

NSF National Radio Dynamic Zones

The NSF Spectrum Innovation Initiative: National Radio Dynamic Zones (NSF SII-NRDZ) program seeks to advance the use of dynamic spectrum sharing. The unifying concept investigated in NSF SII-NRDZ is the radio dynamic zone: an area or volume with automatic spectrum management mechanisms that control electromagnetic energy entering, escaping, or occupying the zone. SII-NRDZ seeks to perform extended (six- to 12-month) field trials of various types of radio dynamic zone spectrum sharing at sites where the field trials will enhance spectrum access for facilities or applications.