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Science Matters

From Earth’s poles to black holes, NSF stories about transforming the world through science.

Displaying 181 - 190 of 222
Soybean root

No soils, no life

A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself." President Franklin D. Roosevelt We walk on soils, but often give little thought to what’s right under our feet.
Image of VLA from the film Cotact

VLA is turning 40

Since its formal dedication 40 years ago this week, NSF’s Karl G.
Future manufacturing floor

The future of how things are made

Large masses of plastic refuse and other marine debris, drawn together by waves and wind, currently float across the north Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii.
Photo of researchers in a lab

The science behind HBCU success

Historically Black colleges and universities have proven to be extremely effective in graduating Black students, particularly in STEM.
A glowing orange ring appears on a black background

Downloading data from black holes

By Peter Kurczynski NASA chief scientist for cosmic origins and former NSF program director for advanced technologies and instrumentation The fastest way to send the largest data files is not by the…