An illustration of the NSF building against a blue background and with a diagonal blue and gold accent in the upper left corner and a dark blue accent in the lower right corner

Executive Office of the Director (OD/EOD)

Executive Office of the Director (OD/EOD)

The U.S. National Science Foundation Executive Office of the Director (EOD) is comprised of the agency director and deputy director and a team of senior leadership and advisors.

Under the leadership and guidance of the director and deputy director, the EOD team works across NSF and with external partners to implement and manage the science, policy, strategic direction and operations for the agency.

EOD senior staff

Dr. Karen A. Marrongelle 
NSF Chief Science Officer

Mr. Micah Cheatham 
NSF Chief Management Officer

Mr. Brian Stone 
NSF Chief of Staff 

Ms. Tess deBlanc-Knowles
Special Assistant to the Director for Artificial Intelligence

Ms. Renée V. Ferranti
Special Assistant to the Director for Sexual Assault and Harassment Prevention and Response Implementation

Ms. Judy A. Hayden 
Chief of Business Operations

Dr. Nirmala Kannankutty
Executive Liaison to the National Science Board and Senior Advisor for Strategy

Dr. Jennifer S. Pearl
Policy Director for Interagency Strategy

Ms. Kim L. Silverman
Special Assistant to the Director for Strategic Engagements and Events

Dr. Matthew B. Wilson
Senior Staff Associate